The Ministry of Healing
Chapter Title
PrefaceThe True Medical Missionary
1. Our Example.
2. Days of Ministry.
3. With Nature and With God.
4. The Touch of Faith.
5. Healing of the Soul.
6. Saved to Serve.
The Work of the Physician
7. The Co-Working of the Divine and the Human.
8. The Physician, an Educator.The Medical Missionaries and their Work
9. Teaching and Healing.
10. Helping the Tempted.
11. Working for the Intemperate.
12. Help for the Unemployed and the Homeless
13. The Helpless Poor.
14. Ministry to the Rich.The Care of the Sick
15. In the Sickroom.
16. Prayer for the Sick.
17. The Use of Remedies.
18. Mind Cure.
19. In Contact with Nature
Health Principles
20. General Hygiene.
21. Hygiene Among the Israelites.
22. Dress.
23. Diet and Health.
24. Flesh as Food.
25. Extremes in Diet.
26. Stimulants and Narcotics.
27. Liquor Traffic and Prohibition.
The Home
28. Ministry of the Home.
29. The Builders of the Home.
30. Choice and Preparation of the Home.
31. The Mother.
32. The Child.
33. Home Influences.
34. True Education, A Missionary Training.
The Essential Knowledge
35. A True Knowledge of God.
36. Danger in Speculative Knowledge.
37. The False and the True in Education.
38. The Importance of Seeking True Knowledge.
39. The Knowledge Received Through God's Word.
The Worker's Need
40. Help in Daily Living.
41. In Contact With Others.
42. Development and Service.
43. A Higher Experience.
The world is sick, and wherever the children of men dwell, suffering abounds. On every hand there is a seeking for relief.
It is not the Creator's purpose that mankind shall be weighed down with a burden of pain, that his activities shall be curtailed by illness, that his strength wane, and his life be cut short by disease. But all too frequently the laws established by God to govern the life are flagrantly transgressed; sin enters the heart, and man loses sight of his dependence upon God, the source of life and health. Then follow the penalties of transgression--pain, sickness, death.
To understand the physical laws governing the body and to bring the life practices into harmony with these laws is a duty of first importance. There is a need for an understanding of the many factors contributing to true happiness--a cheerful home, obedience to the laws of life, proper relationship to one's fellow men.
When sickness comes, it is essential that we employ the varied agencies which, in co-operation with nature's efforts, will build up the body and restore the health. There is, also, a larger and more vitally important question--that of our relationship to the Creator who originally gave man his life, who made every provision for his continued happiness, and who today is interested in his welfare.
In this volume, the author, a woman of large experience in the practical affairs of life, and one particularly favoured with rare insight and knowledge, has brought within the reach of every father and mother, every man and woman, lay and professional, a vast fund of information on life and its laws, on health and its requisites, on disease and its remedies, on the sickness of the soul and the healing balm of Gilead.
The book is written in clear, simple, beautiful language, instructive to the learner, hopeful to the despondent, cheering to the sick, and restful to the weary. Through several decades it has conveyed its helpful message to hundreds of thousands, as it has been issued and reissued in many lands, in a dozen of the world's leading languages.
That this work, which presents a better way, revealing to us a simpler, sweeter life, full of joy and gladness, with room for that helpful service which "it is more blessed to give than to receive," may fully accomplish its mission is the sincere hope of the publishers and
The Trustees of the
Ellen G. White Publications.