Spiritual Gifts. Volume 2
Call to Travel
02.07.001 After I came out of vision a gloom was spread over all I beheld.
02.07.002 Oh! how dark this world looked to me.
02.07.003 I related the vision to our little company in Portland, who then fully believed it to be of God.
02.07.004 The Spirit of the Lord attended the testimony, and the solemnity of eternity rested upon us.
02.07.005 About one week after this the Lord gave me another view, and showed me the trials I must pass through; that I must go and relate to others what he had revealed to me; that I should meet with great opposition, and suffer anguish of spirit.
02.07.006 Said the angel, "The grace of God is sufficient for you; he will sustain you."
02.07.007 This vision troubled me exceedingly.
02.07.008 My health was very poor, and I was only seventeen years old.
02.07.009 I knew that many had fallen through exaltation, and that if I in any way became exalted, the Lord would leave me, and I should surely be lost.
02.07.0010 I earnestly prayed that the burden might be laid on some other one.
02.07.0011 But all the light I could get was, "Make known to others what I have revealed to you."
02.07.0012 I was unreconciled to go out into the world.
02.07.0013 I had naturally but little confidence.
02.07.0014 When I had the assurance that all was right between me and God, then my confidence was strong.
02.07.0015 I was then willing to do anything, and suffer anything; and relying upon the strength of God could declare the testimony without fear.
02.07.0016 But the work looked great, and the trials severe.
02.07.0017 The idea of a female traveling from place to place caused me to draw back.
02.07.0018 I looked with desire into the grave.
02.07.0019 Death appeared to me preferable to the responsibilities I should have to bear.
02.07.0020 At length the Lord hid his face from me.
02.07.0021 I was again in darkness and despair.
02.07.0022 I feared that he had left me because I was unwilling to go and do his will.
02.07.0023 The company of believers in Portland sincerely sympathized with me.
02.07.0024 They seemed to understand my case, and while some sought to comfort me, others were faithful in warning me of my danger.
02.07.0025 I was afraid I had grieved the Spirit of the Lord from me for ever, and thought if he would reveal himself to me again, I would obey him, and would go anywhere.
02.07.0026 How small the opposition and frowns of men appeared to me then, compared with the frown of God.
02.07.0027 The meetings were held at my father's house; but my distress of mind was so great that I absented myself from the meetings.
02.07.0028 This did not relieve me from the burden which weighed so heavily upon me, and again I attended the meetings.
02.07.0029 The church all united in earnest prayer for me, and once more I consecrated myself to the Lord, and felt willing to be used to his glory.
02.07.0030 While praying, the thick darkness that had enveloped me was scattered, a bright light, like a ball of fire, came towards me, and as it fell upon me, my strength was taken away.
02.07.0031 I seemed to be in the presence of Jesus and of angels. Again it was repeated, "Make known to others what I have revealed to you."
02.07.0032 I earnestly begged that if I must go and relate what the Lord had shown me, that I might be kept from exaltation.
02.07.0033 Then an angel told me that my prayer was answered, and that if I should be in danger of exaltation, I should be afflicted with sickness.
02.07.0034 Said the angel, "If ye deliver the message faithfully, and endure unto the end, ye shall eat of the fruit of the tree of life, and drink of the river of the water of life."
02.07.0035 I then committed myself fully to God, to go at his bidding.
02.07.0036 Providentially the way opened for me to go to my sisters' in Poland, thirty miles from home.
02.07.0037 I there had opportunity to bear my testimony.
02.07.0038 The Lord gave me strength.
02.07.0039 I had been able to talk but little for about three months.
02.07.0040 My lungs and throat were very sore.
02.07.0041 It was with the greatest difficulty that I could speak aloud.
02.07.0042 I stood up in meeting, and commenced in a whisper; and labored to speak for about five minutes, then the soreness seemed to leave my throat and lungs, and my voice was clear, and I could talk from two to three hours, and when my message was ended, my voice was gone until I stood before the people again.
02.07.0043 I frequently spoke over two hours.
02.07.0044 Thus I journeyed for three months.
02.07.0045 The way opened for me to go to the eastern part of Maine.
02.07.0046 Bro. J. was obliged to go to Orington on business, and his sister accompanied him.
02.07.0047 I was urged to go with them, and relate my visions.
02.07.0048 It caused me some trial to go, but as I had promised the Lord that if he would open the way before me, I would walk in it, I dared not refuse.
02.07.0049 At Orington I met Bro. White, and learned that J. had come for the purpose of taking to him his horse and sleigh.
02.07.0050 The Spirit of the Lord attended the message I bore, and the desponding were encouraged, and made to hope.
02.07.0051 At Garland a large number collected from different places to hear my message.
02.07.0052 But I was in great heaviness.
02.07.0053 I had received a letter from my mother, begging me to return home, for false reports were being circulated concerning me.
02.07.0054 This I had not expected.
02.07.0055 My name had never been reproached.
02.07.0056 My cup of sorrow was full.
02.07.0057 I felt grieved that my mother should suffer on my account.
02.07.0058 She was very sensitive in regard to the reputation of her children.
02.07.0059 If there had been any opportunity I should have returned immediately home, and by my presence contradicted these lying reports.
02.07.0060 I thought it would be impossible for me to speak that night.
02.07.0061 I was urged to trust in the Lord, but could not be comforted.
02.07.0062 At length the brethren engaged in prayer for me, and the blessing of the Lord rested upon me, and I had great freedom in bearing my testimony.
02.07.0063 I felt that an angel of God was standing by my side to strengthen me.
02.07.0064 Sweet heart-felt shouts of glory and victory went up from that house.
02.07.0065 Jesus was in our midst, and our hearts burned with his love.
02.07.0066 At Exeter a heavy burden rested upon me, which I could not be free from until I related what I had been shown concerning some fanatical persons present, who were exalted by the spirit of Satan.
02.07.0067 I mentioned that I must soon return home, and that I had seen that these fanatical persons were anxious to visit Portland; but they had no work to do there; that they would injure the cause if they went, by carrying things to extremes; that they were deceived in regard to the Spirit they possessed.
02.07.0068 This seemed to cause some great trial.
02.07.0069 My testimony cut directly across their anticipated course, and they became jealous of me, and secretly held bitter feelings against me.
02.07.0070 From Exeter we went to Atkinson.
02.07.0071 One night I was shown something that I did not understand. It was to this effect, that we were to have a trial of our faith.
02.07.0072 The next day, which was the first day of the week, while I was speaking, two men looked into the window.
02.07.0073 We were satisfied of their object.
02.07.0074 They entered and rushed past me to Eld. Damman.
02.07.0075 The Spirit of the Lord rested upon him, and his strength was taken away, and he fell to the floor helpless.
02.07.0076 The officer cried out, "In the name of the State of Maine, lay hold of this man."
02.07.0077 Two seized his arms, and two his feet, and attempted to drag him from the room.
02.07.0078 They would move him a few inches only, and then rush out of the house.
02.07.0079 The power of God was in that room, and the servants of God with their countenances lighted up with his glory, made no resistance.
02.07.0080 The efforts to take Eld. D. were often repeated with the same effect.
02.07.0081 The men could not endure the power of God, and it was a relief to them to rush out of the house.
02.07.0082 Their number increased to twelve, still Eld. D. was held by the power of God about forty minutes, and not all the strength of those men could move him from the floor where he lay helpless.
02.07.0083 At the same moment we all felt that Eld. D. must go; that God had manifested his power for his glory, and that the name of the Lord would be further glorified in suffering him to be taken from our midst.
02.07.0084 And those men took him up as easily as they would take up a child, and carried him out.
02.07.0085 After Eld. D. was taken from our midst he was kept in a hotel, and guarded by a man who did not like his office.
02.07.0086 He said that Eld. D. was singing, and praying, and praising the Lord all night, so that he could not sleep, and he would not watch over such a man.
02.07.0087 No one wished the office of guarding him, and he was left to go about the village as he pleased, after promising that he would appear for trial.
02.07.0088 Kind friends invited him to share their hospitalities.
02.07.0089 At the hour of trial Eld. D. was present.
02.07.0090 A lawyer offered his services.
02.07.0091 The charge brought against Eld. D. was, that he was a disturber of the peace.
02.07.0092 Many witnesses were brought to sustain the charge, but they were at once broken down by the testimony of Eld. D.'s acquaintances present, who were called to the stand.
02.07.0093 There was much curiosity to know what Eld. D. and his friends believed, and he was asked to give them a synopsis of his faith.
02.07.0094 He then told them in a clear manner his belief from the Scriptures.
02.07.0095 It was also suggested that they sung curious hymns, and he was asked to sing one.
02.07.0096 There were quite a number of strong brethren present who had stood by him in the trial, and they joined with him in singing, "When I was down in Egypt's land, I heard my Saviour was at hand," &c.
02.07.0097 Eld. D. was asked if he had a spiritual wife.
02.07.0098 He told them he had a lawful wife, and he could thank God that she had been a very spiritual woman ever since his acquaintance with her.
02.07.0099 The cost of court, I think, was thrown upon him, and he was released.
02.07.00100 Distracting influences have separated Eld. D. from his friends who believe the third message; but we hope the time is not far distant when he and many others in Maine will joy fully receive the message.
02.07.00101 We returned to Portland, and then visited Topsham. Sister Frances Howland was very sick with rheumatic fever.
02.07.00102 She was under the doctor's care.
02.07.00103 Her hands were so swollen that we could not see the joints.
02.07.00104 Bro. Howland was asked if he had faith that F. could be healed in answer to prayer.
02.07.00105 He said, "I will believe." Again he was asked, "Do you believe?" He answered, "I do."
02.07.00106 Then prayer was offered to God in her behalf.
02.07.00107 We claimed the promise, "Ask and ye shall receive."
02.07.00108 Sister F. was in the chamber above.
02.07.00109 She had not stood on her feet for two weeks.
02.07.00110 The Spirit of the Lord indited prayer.
02.07.00111 We had the assurance of God's willingness to heal the afflicted one.
02.07.00112 Bro. D. cried out in the Spirit, and power of God, "Is there some sister here who has faith enough to go and take her by the hand, and bid her arise in the name of the Lord?"
02.07.00113 Sister C. was on her way as the words were spoken.
02.07.00114 She ascended the stairs with the Spirit of the Lord upon her, and took F. by the hand, saying, "Sister Frances, in the name of the Lord arise and be whole."
02.07.00115 Sister F. acted out her faith, rose from her bed and stood upon her feet, and walked the room praising the Lord that she was healed.
02.07.00116 She dressed and came down into the room where we were, her countenance lighted up with the blessing of God.
02.07.00117 The next morning sister F. sat at the breakfast table with us.
02.07.00118 And as Bro. White was reading for family worship, from James, chapter v, the doctor came into the entry, and as usual ascended the stairs to visit his patient.
02.07.00119 But he could not find her. He hurried down, opened the door leading into the large kitchen where we were sitting, his patient in the midst.
02.07.00120 He looked astonished, and said, "Frances is better."
02.07.00121 Bro. Howland answered, "The Lord has healed her," and Bro. White resumed his reading, which had been interrupted, "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray for him," &c.
02.07.00122 The doctor nodded and left the room.
02.07.00123 The same day she rode three miles, and returned home in the evening.
02.07.00124 It was rainy, but she received no injury.
02.07.00125 A few days after, at her request, Bro. White led her down into the water and baptized her.
02.07.00126 At this time Bro. Wm. H. Hyde was very sick with the bloody dysentery.
02.07.00127 His symptoms were alarming.
02.07.00128 A physician said that unless he received help in a short time, his case was hopeless.
02.07.00129 There was much unbelief and darkness in the place where he was staying, and we wished to get him away where there was more faith.
02.07.00130 We prayed for him around the bedside, that the Lord would raise him up and give him strength to leave that place.
02.07.00131 He was blessed and strengthened, and rode four miles.
02.07.00132 After he arrived at Bro. P.'s he grew worse, and seemed to be sinking every hour.
02.07.00133 Some things had hindered faith in his case.
02.07.00134 Faithful testimony was borne to him, and humble confessions were made on his part, where he had erred, and a few who had faith were permitted to enter his room.
02.07.00135 Our earnest, fervent prayers went up to God, that the progress of disease might be stayed, and then faith grasped still more, immediate restoration.
02.07.00136 God's children seemed to groan in spirit.
02.07.00137 Such a reaching out after God and bringing the promises near, I have seldom witnessed.
02.07.00138 The salvation of God was revealed.
02.07.00139 Power from on high rested upon our sick brother, and upon those in the room.
02.07.00140 He called for his clothes, arose and dressed himself, and walked out of the room, praising God, with the light of heaven shining in his countenance.
02.07.00141 A farmer's dinner was ready.
02.07.00142 Said Bro. H., "If I was well I should partake of this food, and I believe God has healed me, and shall act out my faith."
02.07.00143 He ate heartily, and it did not hurt him.
02.07.00144 From Topsham we went to Portland, and quite a number from the east were there, some of the very individuals to whom I had borne my testimony in Exeter, that it was not their duty to visit Portland.
02.07.00145 We trembled for the church, for they were in danger through these fanatical spirits.
02.07.00146 They trusted every impression, and laid aside reason and judgment.
02.07.00147 My heart ached for God's people.
02.07.00148 Oh must they be thus deceived, and led away by a false spirit!
02.07.00149 Warnings had but little effect, only to make those warned jealous of me.
02.07.00150 The false burdens and impressions of others might have led me away from duty, but the Lord had previously shown me my duty where to go, and, although young and inexperienced, preserved me from falling, by giving me special directions who to fear, and who to trust.
02.07.00151 Were it not for this, I can now see many times where I might have been led from the path of duty.
02.07.00152 About this time I was shown that I must visit New Hampshire.
02.07.00153 My sister's husband's sister accompanied me.
02.07.00154 She was faithful to me, kind and attentive, ever ready with the care of a sister to sympathize with me in all my trials, and to cheer me in my despondency and gloom.
02.07.00155 Bro. Files and his wife and Bro. White accompanied us.
02.07.00156 A distracted state of things existed in New Hampshire, yet the Lord often manifested his power there.
02.07.00157 It was in New Hampshire that we had our first experience in relation to what is termed spiritual magnetism.
02.07.00158 We visited Claremont, and inquired for Adventists.
02.07.00159 We were told there were two parties; one holding fast their past advent experience, the other denying it.
02.07.00160 We asked for those who had not denied their past experience, and were directed to Elders B-t and B-s, as persons believing as we did.
02.07.00161 There was so much said against them, that we concluded that they were persecuted for righteousness' sake.
02.07.00162 We called on them, and were received and treated kindly, yet such depression came upon me, that I felt that all was not right.
02.07.00163 Elder B--t appeared to be a very holy man.
02.07.00164 Had much to say upon charity.
02.07.00165 Speaking of faith he said, "All we have to do is believe, then whatever we ask of God will be given."
02.07.00166 Bro. White answered, "Blessings are promised on conditions. John xv, 7: If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be given unto you.
02.07.00167 Your theory of faith is empty as a flour barrel with both heads out.
02.07.00168 And as regards true charity, she is a very delicate personage, never stepping out of the path of Bible truth."
02.07.00169 In the afternoon we called at Bro. Collier's, where we purposed to hold a meeting in the evening.
02.07.00170 We supposed they were in union with Elder B--t, and asked some questions in reference to him, but could get no information.
02.07.00171 Said Bro. C., "If the Lord has sent you here, you will find them out and tell us."
02.07.00172 That evening, as I was praying and reaching up by faith to receive the blessing of the Lord, B--t and B-s, began to groan and cry out, Amen! Amen! throwing their sympathy and influence in with my prayer.
02.07.00173 Bro. White was much distressed, and rising, cried, "I resist this spirit in the name of the Lord."
02.07.00174 After this, while I was enjoying freedom in speaking, they again commenced groaning and crying out, Amen! Amen!
02.07.00175 I felt no union with them, for their amens chilled me.
02.07.00176 Bro. White feeling their influence upon him again, rose, and in the name of the Lord rebuked the wicked spirit.
02.07.00177 They were then so bound as to be unable to rise again that night.
02.07.00178 After the meeting Bro. White said, "Bro. Collier, now I can tell you about those two men; they are acting under a satanic influence, yet attributing all to the Spirit of the Lord."
02.07.00179 Bro. C. answered, "I believe the Lord sent you.
02.07.00180 We have called their influence mesmerism; and because we could have no union with their spirit, do not generally have meetings here.
02.07.00181 They rise above us, manifest much feeling, but leave an influence darker than Egypt.
02.07.00182 I never saw them checked, or tied up, before to-night."
02.07.00183 During family prayer that night, the Spirit of the Lord rested upon me, and I was taken off in vision.
02.07.00184 A curtain was raised, and the cases of these men, and a few others in union with them, were clearly shown me.
02.07.00185 They were practising deception upon God's little flock, meanwhile professing to be chosen servants of the Lord.
02.07.00186 It was shown me that the Lord would tear off the pious garb they had drawn around themselves, and disclose their dark designs and iniquitous deeds; deeds that some had scarcely thought of.
02.07.00187 We then returned to Springfield.
02.07.00188 On the way I fell from the wagon and so injured my side that I had to be carried into the house.
02.07.00189 That night my suffering was great.
02.07.00190 Sister Foss joined with me in pleading for God's blessing, and for relief from pain. About midnight the blessing sought rested upon me.
02.07.00191 Those in the house were awakened by hearing my voice while in vision.
02.07.00192 This was the first time I had a view of the voice of God in connection with the time of trouble.