Spiritual Gifts. Volume 2 



The Advent Faith.

02.02.001 In 1839 Wm. Miller visited Portland, Me., and gave a course of lectures on the second coming of Christ.

02.02.002 This had a great effect upon me.

02.02.003 I knew that I must be lost if Christ should come, and I be found as I then was.

02.02.004 At times I was greatly distressed as to my situation.

02.02.005 But it was hard for me to give entirely up to the Lord.

02.02.006 I viewed it a great thing to be a christian, and feared that I never should be one if I professed religion, and remained some months suffering distress of mind.

02.02.007 My parents were Methodists. I generally attended meeting with them; and at a camp-meeting held at Buxton, I resolved to give myself unreservedly to the Lord.

02.02.008 I commenced there to seek the Lord with all my heart.

02.02.009 My mind was in great distress; but at a prayer-meeting I found relief.

02.02.0010 O, how sweet was peace of mind. Everything seemed changed.

02.02.0011 I then felt no disposition to dress like the world, but wished to be plain in my dress, sober and watchful.

02.02.0012 When twelve years old, I wished to be immersed.

02.02.0013 The minister reluctantly consented to go into the water.

02.02.0014 He chose to sprinkle the candidates.

02.02.0015 It was a very windy day.

02.02.0016 The waves ran high, and dashed upon the shore; but my peace was like a river.

02.02.0017 When I arose out of the water, my strength was nearly gone, for the power of God rested upon me.

02.02.0018 Such a rich blessing I never experienced before.

02.02.0019 I felt dead to the world, and that my sins were all washed away.

02.02.0020 The same day a sister and myself were taken into the church. I felt happy, till I looked at the sister by my side, and saw gold rings on her fingers, and large gold ear-rings in her ears.

02.02.0021 Her bonnet was filled with artificial flowers, and was trimmed with costly ribbon, which was filled with bows upon her bonnet.

02.02.0022 My heart felt sad.

02.02.0023 I expected every moment that a reproof would come from the minister; but none came.

02.02.0024 He took us both into the church.

02.02.0025 My reflections were as follows: This is my sister; must I pattern after her? Must I dress like her?

02.02.0026 If it is right for her to dress so, it is right for me.

02.02.0027 I remembered what the Bible said about adorning the body. 1 Tim. ii, 9, 10.

02.02.0028 For some time I was in deep trial, and finally concluded that if it was so sinful as I had thought it to be to dress like the world, those whom I looked up to as being devoted christians, and older in experience than myself, would feel it, and would deal plainly with those who went thus contrary to God's word.

02.02.0029 But I knew that I must be plain in my dress.

02.02.0030 I believed it to be wicked to think so much of appearance, to decorate our poor mortal bodies with flowers and gold.

02.02.0031 It seemed to me that we had better be humbling ourselves in the dust, for our sins and transgressions were so great that God gave his only beloved Son to die for us.

02.02.0032 I found it almost impossible to enjoy religion in a large female seminary, surrounded with so many influences calculated to lead the mind from God, and night would often find me in bondage.

02.02.0033 I did not attend school after I was twelve years old.

02.02.0034 And I did not feel satisfied with what I enjoyed.

02.02.0035 I longed to be sanctified to God.

02.02.0036 But sanctification was preached in such a manner that I could not understand it, and thought that I never could attain to it, and settled down with my present enjoyment.

02.02.0037 In 1841 Wm. Miller gave a second course of lectures in Portland, I attended them, and felt that I was not ready for Christ's coming.

02.02.0038 And when the invitation was given for those who desired prayers to come forward, I pressed through the crowd, and in taking up this cross found some relief.

02.02.0039 I began to plead with God for pure religion.

02.02.0040 I believed the truths I heard Wm. Miller proclaim; but realized that a mere belief in the second coming of Christ would not save me.

02.02.0041 I must experience the soul-purifying effects of the truth, that when it was preached, it would find a response in my own heart.

02.02.0042 O, how I longed for a living experience in the things of God.

02.02.0043 I prayed earnestly for this.

02.02.0044 My soul was thirsting for full and free salvation, but I knew not how to obtain it.



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